Guided by Love now on Audible

Guided by Love now on Audible

In Guided by Love: A journey through duality, I explore the roots of separation as we experience it throughout our lives, the process of acceptance, and the role that faith plays. I hope those who read it will be inspired to remember the fragility of life and never to take it for granted. We all know this, but how often do we connect to our spirit to remember?

No matter how difficult it seems, there is always a way out. Be inspired by Sarah’s story. We all have ‘dirty secrets’. This ‘dirty’ adjective is what we give it, not what others would give it. It’s more like we are ‘tacking’ through life, adjusting our journey as we experience the good and not so good, duality as she writes. Stay well.

D, Vachon – reader
Guided by Love book by Sarah Wall

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