Look forwards, not backwards
Do you have regrets? Do you find yourself lamenting over the past, wishing you had acted or said something differently in a particular situation? Or even wishing you had chosen a different path in life?
Regret is one roadblock that many people face when it comes to taking action and moving forward on your path.
I’ve often replayed situations in my mind hundreds of times over, where I wished I had said something different, wished I had behaved differently towards someone. The continuous replay in my mind doesn’t serve me.
Instead I’ve learned to make amends and apologize when I’ve made a mistake. If I don’t have the opportunity to offer an apology, then I need to forgive myself and move on, rather than focusing on the past that I cannot change anyway.
Could have, should have, would have
When you are frequently living in the past wondering what you could have or should have done, it’s self-defeating and a drain on your energy. It takes time and energy away from moving towards what you really want.
Instead of focusing on the past, ask yourself how you will be the next time a similar situation comes up, so you may do better in the future.
Train your mind to live in the present
You may have to drop the behaviour of living in the past hundreds of times before it goes away. Once you are aware of this habit and you catch yourself dwelling on past, negative experiences, change your thoughts to something positive. Don’t judge yourself for having this habit.
Over time you will train your mind to be more in the present.
An excerpt from Life Reboot. Get your copy here >>