Simplify your life – tip #3

Simplify your life – tip #3

If you’ve been following along for the past two weeks, I hope by now you have been enjoying more free time for activities that serve you. This week it’s time to take action to simplify your life even more. I’ve been slowly decluttering over the past two months and I feel much lighter as a result.


Whether it’s your closet, spare room, or junk drawer, its time to find a new home for stuff that you are no longer using.

If you haven’t worn an outfit in the last 6 months, then donate it to a good cause. The next time you are thinking of buying a new article of clothing, ask yourself if you really need it. I’m not saying that you should never buy new clothes, rather consider your motivation behind your next purchase – is it a want or truly a need?

Donate other unused items, such as books, toys, and tools etc., to help others in need. As you are going through your stuff and thinking that you might need a particular item in the future, remind yourself you can always borrow from a friend if necessary. Think of how many things you won’t need to dust once they are given away!

Get more tips and tricks for success in my book Life Reboot: An Inner Wisdom Guide To Finding Your Passion and Purpose, get it now.

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