In today’s fast-paced world, making decisions about your career can often feel like navigating a complex maze. There are countless options, opportunities, and external pressures that can cloud your judgment. ...
Intuition, often referred to as our inner voice or inner guidance system, is a powerful tool that holds the potential to transform the way we make decisions and navigate our ...
How often do you experience feelings of stress or overwhelm? In today’s culture, it’s become the norm to rush through your day, juggling work, family, and social life, among other things. ...
Are you unable to fall sleep easily at night? Do you find it difficult to wake up in the morning? In today’s busyness culture we experience information overload and are confronted ...
When was the last time you sat still in silence for 5 minutes and observed your thoughts? I often hear people say ‘I can’t meditate…’ usually followed by one of the many ...
How do you usually start your day? Your alarm goes off and you hit snooze, only to wake 20 mins later realizing you are going to be late for work ...
Prana is life force energy. ‘Pra’ means first and ‘na’ is the most basic unit of energy, therefore practicing pranayama is to expand your life force energy with control. This can be done ...
When was the last time you did absolutely nothing? That’s no tv, no internet, no reading, no talking on the phone, no socializing, no working, nothing! Chances are you are ...
– January 10, 2009 – A drop in the ocean I am but a drop, I am the ocean. It’s pretty amazing, the more I meditate, the more I realize ...
We have arrived at the fifth level and largest kosha – anandamaya kosha – bliss! When you have stability in the fourth kosha (vijanamaya), spontaneous happiness or a feeling of love ...