There are various sources quoting that on average, adults make about 35,000 decisions every day! They can be simple decisions, such as what to eat or what to wear, or ...
Intuition, often referred to as our inner voice or inner guidance system, is a powerful tool that holds the potential to transform the way we make decisions and navigate our ...
When was the last time you tried something new? Whether you are starting a new job, exploring a new relationship, or trying a new activity, understanding your mindset is essential ...
How often do you experience feelings of stress or overwhelm? In today’s culture, it’s become the norm to rush through your day, juggling work, family, and social life, among other things. ...
How often have you said yes to something, or someone, and then immediately felt regret? Or has the feeling developed into resentment over time? Pay attention to your feelings because ...
If you’re in a position of leadership, chances are you have experienced navigating a difficult conversation with a colleague, direct report, or with a client. Perhaps you had to discipline ...
Have you had the experience of working with an unpredictable boss? You may have found yourself walking on eggshells around him or her, feeling unsure of what to expect each ...
When was the list time you jumped in a puddle or played a game of tag? So many of us get caught up in working that we forget to take ...
A healthy body should be top of mind every day. In order to have the energy to do the things you love, its important make smart choices when it comes ...
If you’ve been following along for the past two weeks, I hope by now you have been enjoying more free time for activities that serve you. This week it’s time ...